
Intelligent Purchasing

  • Compare all prices in seconds
  • Send orders with one click
  • Built in cut-off times
  • Order confirmation
  • Guaranteed lowest prices



  • Never be overcharged
  • Monitors order discrepancies
  • Easily catches billing errors
  • Tracks invoice credits
  • Automatically notifies vendors
  • Finally, everything adds up!



  • Free sign up
  • 165,000 rebated line items
  • 350+ manufacturers
  • 100% tracking and reporting
  • You get 100% of rebates
  • Checks paid directly to you



All of your purchasing activity, invoice reconciliation, orders, spending, and savings are organized in one easy to access point. You always know where to look for all of your food management information.



Quit trying to negotiate and compare prices. Stop manual data entry, phone calls, emails and disorganization.


Supplier Management

Set delivery days, cut-off times, order reminders, and alerts. Track billing adjustments, invoice discrepancies, and ensure orders are placed with authorized suppliers.


You cannot negotiate your way to great pricing and no one has the time or energy to properly comparison shop. You must leverage technology to stay competitive in todays market!

Do Intelligent Purchasing

We customize your account for the vendors you currently use. All items are matched up (apples to apples) and we do the math to adjust for pack sizes that are not equivalent. This way we can calculate the lowest possible cost for each item and the lowest possible price for each order you place. It's all done in seconds from your phone, computer or tablet. The savings we generate are trackable, sustainable, and significant to your bottom line.

Get Rebates

Our National Rebate Program gives you money back on 165,000 line items that come from our partnership with over 350 manufacturers. You get 100% of the rebate money. We track your purchases and provide you with detailed reporting. This money is yours to keep and we make sure you get it! Rebate checks are paid directly to you.

Manufacturers pay an administration fee to administer the program which includes providing proof of purchase, tracking, and payment of checks. This is how we get paid and that is why you get 100% of the rebate money. When you sign up you give us permission to send proof of your purchases to the manufactures, track the process and pay checks directly to you.

Do Reconciliation of Invoices

You will never be overcharged again. With one click your vendor is notified of any discrepancy and the adjustment is logged and tracked so you have a record. Simply open the Genius Food Purchasing app on your computer, tablet or phone. Open the original purchase order and it is instantly converted to invoice format. As you verify your delivery if any discrepancies are found in quantities, prices, or quality, simply edit the line item and click Save and Send. Your vendor will get an email clearly outlining the discrepancy and the change will be stored in your reconciliation history report. At month end when your bill comes from the vendor your book keeper can easily check it against the verified reconciled total for whatever date range is selected and the adjusted total is clearly shown. If your vendor has a different total you can easily access the appropriate reconciliation report and resend it to the vendor if needed.

Use Automation

Stop manual data entry, phone calls, emails and disorganization. Genius Food Purchasing automates the entire ordering process to save money, time, and eliminate errors. Set delivery days, cut-off times, order reminders, get alerts, track billing adjustments, and ensure orders are placed with authorized suppliers. All the information you need and activities are completed at one point of contact in the cloud.

Get Reporting

All of your purchasing activity, reconciliation, orders, spending, and savings are organized in one easy to access point of contact. You always know where to look for any information you may need that relates to managing your food costs. Your orders are saved and can be listed by vendor. Prices are tracked over time. Savings reports from orders and reconciliation are within quick easy access. Know how much you are spending in real time and compare spending over any selected time period.

Do Supplier Management

Cut-off times, price updates, ordering, invoicing, and reconciliation are all automated and organized in one point of contact. This reduces errors and speeds up the food ordering process. Orders can be sent to all vendors simultaneously or individually. Vendors must confirm orders when received. Quality is maintained by easily restricting any item by vendor, brand, price, pack size or quality.